Saturday, 11 October 2014

TRCA SLABS and FIXATION of GDS employees

TRCA slabs for BPM
Sl No.
TRCA With effect from 01.01.2006
Work Load in Points
Work Load in Hours
2745 -50 -4245
75 Points
Up to 3 Hours of work
3200 -60- 5000
87.5 Points
More than 3 Hours and up to 3 Hours and 30 Minutes
3660 – 70 -5760
100 Points
Up to 4 Hours
4115 - 75 -6365
12.5 Points
More than 4 Hours Up to 4 Hours 30 Minutes
4575 – 85 - 7125
Up to 125 Points
More than 4 Hours 30 Minutes  Up to 5 Hours

TRCA slabs for GDS MD and GDS SV
Sl No.
TRCA With effect from 01.01.2006
Work Load in Points
Work Load in Hours
2665 – 50 - 4165
For work up to 3 Hours –for New Entrants
3330 – 60 - 5130
For work load up to 3 Hours  45 Minutes
4220 – 75 - 6470
More than 3 Hours 45 Minutes up to 5 Hours

TRCA slabs GDS MC/Packer/MM
Sl No.
TRCA With effect from 01.01.2006
Work Load in Points
Work Load in Hours
2295 – 45 - 3695
For work up to 3 Hours – for New Entrants
2870 – 50 - 4370
More than 3 Hours up to 3 Hours 45 Minutes
3635 – 65 - 5585
More than 3 Hours 45 Minutes up to 5 Hours

Fixation of TRCA on reduction of work load
       If the GDS BPM happens to be in the lower TRCA and there is further drop in his work load, combination of duty of the GDS MD/ Mail Carrier is unavoidable.
       As this exercise is done only to protect the allowance already drawn by the GDS BPM, no separate combined duty allowance will be payable to him.
       If the combination of duties is not possible, the GDS should be brought from the higher TRCA to the lower TRCA by protecting the stage of the higher TRCA.
       If the specific stage is not available in the lower TRCA, then he may be placed in the lower stage. Difference will be protected as personal allowance to be absorbed against future entitlement. While doing so, it should be seen that the allowances payable in the lower TRCA and the protected amount should not exceed the maximum of the lower TRCA.
       If on the subsequent review, the work load of the post increases, then the higher stage of the TRCA will be paid from the prospective date which would be determined with respect to the Review of BOs.
       If the GDS is redeployed, his allowances will be protected as above.
       But if the GDS is redeployed on his own specific requests, protection of TRCA is not applicable to him. His TRCA would be fixed according to the work load of the post to which he is redeployed on his request.
Fixation of TRCA
       BPM Fresh recruitment -review of the BO should be undertaken and the TRCA should be fixed according the actual work load.
        GDS MD or MC assess the work load of these posts and if the assessed work load is up to 3 hours, the new TRCA slab of 2665-50-4165 or 2295-45-3695 as the case may be should be indicated in the notification for filling up the post.
Automatic payment of other allowances
      OMA to the GDS BPMs for maintaining the office in their premises
       FSC to the GDS BPMs/GDS MDs and GDS MCs who are attached with delivery work – paid to meet the cost of stationery such as pen, pencil etc.
      Cash conveyance allowance – to the GDS BPMs for conveyance of surplus cash to the AO or to convey cash from AO to BO
Other Allowances requiring Sanction of SSP
      Boat allowance – For conveyance of mails by boat.
      Cycle Maintenance Allowance: Payable to the GDS MD and GDS MC and in cases to the GDS BPM who is entrusted with the duty of delivery or Mail conveyance.
      A certificate is to be obtained from the IP/ASP/PRI (P) to confirm that  the distance traversed by the GDS is cyclable and the GDS maintains his own cycle for discharge of duty.
      If the GDS BPM performs the
      Duty of both the MD and MC, he has to be paid an allowance of Rs.1000/- p.m.
      Duty of either MD or MC, he has to be paid an allowance of Rs.500/-p.m.
      Duty of Mail Delivery in the kasba (viz. BO Village only), ha has to be paid an allowance of Rs. 250/- only p.m.
      Duty of exchanging mails at Bus Stand or at Railway Station, he has to be paid an allowance of Rs. 250/- p.m.

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