Sunday 31 July 2016

வாசிக்கவும்... யோசிக்கவும். (பதில் தேடும் கவிதை)

கேள்வி :

யாதும் ஊரே ! 
யாவரும் கேளிர் !

எப்படி வந்தது சேரி ?

                       --- வாலிதாசன் 
                            (ஆனந்த விகடன் சொல்வனம் 02.03.2016)

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Working on 'CIS' on Sundays / Holidays not permissible - Orders of PLI Directorate

Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 notified in Gazette



4.(1)  The Pay Matrix, in replacement of the Pay Bands and Grade Pays as in force immediately prior to the notification of this Resolution, shall be as specified in Annexure I in respect of civilian employees. 

 (2)  With regard to fixation of pay of the employee in the new Pay Matrix as on 1  day of January, 2016, the existing pay (Pay in Pay Band plus Grade Pay) in the pre-revised structure as on 31st  day of December, 2015 shall be multiplied by a factor of 2.57. The figure so arrived at is to be located in the Level corresponding to employee’s Pay Band and Grade Pay or Pay Scale in the new Pay Matrix. If a Cell identical with the figure so arrived at is available in the appropriate Level, that Cell shall be the revised pay; otherwise the next higher cell in that Level shall be the revised pay of the employee.   

 (3)  After fixation of pay in the appropriate Level as specified in sub-paragraph (2) above, the
subsequent increments in the Level shall be at the immediate next Cell in the Level.  

5. There shall be two dates for grant of increment namely, 1st  January and 1 st  July of every year, instead of existing date of 1 st  July; provided that an employee shall be entitled to only one annual increment on either one of these two dates depending on the date of appointment, promotion or grant of financial up-gradation. 

6. The Commission’s recommendations and Government’s decision thereon with regard to
revised pay structure for civilian employees of the Central Government and personnel of All India Services as specified at Annexure I and the consequent pay fixation therein as specified at
Annexure II shall be effective from the 1 st  day of January, 2016.  The arrears on this account shall be paid during the financial year 2016-2017.  

7. The recommendations on Allowances (except Dearness Allowance) will be referred to a
Committee comprising Finance Secretary and Secretary (Expenditure) as Chairman and Secretaries of Home Affairs, Defence, Health and Family Welfare, Personnel and Training, Posts and Chairman, Railway Board as Members. The Committee will submit its report within a period of four months. Till a final decision on Allowances is taken based on the recommendations of this Committee, all Allowances will continue to be paid at existing rates in existing pay structure, as if the pay had not been revised with effect from 1 st  day of January, 2016.

8. The recommendations of the Commission relating to interest bearing Advances as well as 
interest free Advances have been accepted with the exception that interest free Advances for Medical Treatment, Travelling Allowance for family of deceased, Travelling Allowance on tour or transfer and Leave Travel Concession shall be retained.  

9. The recommendations of the Commission for increase in rates of monthly contribution
towards Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme (CGEGIS) for various categories of employees has not been accepted. The existing rates of monthly contribution shall continue. Department of Expenditure and Department of Financial Services will work out a customised group insurance scheme for Central Government employees.  

10. The Government has accepted the recommendations of the Commission on upgrading of
posts except for those specified at Annexure III. The recommendations on upgradation specified at Annexure III will be separately examined by Department of Personnel and Training for taking a comprehensive view in the matter.  

11. The Government has not accepted the recommendations of the Commission on downgrading of posts and normal replacement will be provided in such cases.  

12. While revising the pay of Doctors in respect of whom Non Practicing Allowance is
admissible and Railway employees in respect of whom Running Allowance is admissible, it will be ensured that the actual raise in pay at the time of initial fixation is about 14.29 percent as
recommended by the Commission.  

13. The pay of officers posted on deputation under Central Staffing Scheme will be protected and the difference in the pay will be given to them in the form of Personal Pay to be made effective from the date of notification.  

14. Recommendations not relating to pay, pension and allowances and other administrative issues specific to Departments/Cadres/Posts will be examined by the Ministries/Departments concerned as per the Allocation of Business Rules or Transaction of Business RulesUntil a decision is taken by the Government on administrative issues pertaining to (i) Non Functional Upgradation (NFU) presently admissible to the Indian Police Service/Indian Forest Service and Organised Group  ‘A’ Services, (ii) two years’ edge to Indian Administrative Service officers vis-a-vis other All India Services/Organised Group  ‘A’ Services in empanelment under Central Staffing Scheme, (iii) grant of two additional increments at Senior Time Scale, Junior Administrative Grade and Selection Grade to Indian Police Service and Indian Forest Service at par with Indian Administrative Service and Indian Foreign Service (iv) a uniform retirement age for all ranks in Central Armed Police Forces, where the Commission could not arrive at a consensus, status quo shall be maintained.  

15. A Committee of Secretaries comprising Secretaries of Departments of Personnel and
Training, Financial Services and Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare will be set up to suggest measures for streamlining the implementation of the National Pension System (NPS).  

16. Anomalies Committees will be set up by Department of Personnel and Training to examine
individual, post-specific and cadre-specific anomalies arising out of implementation of the
recommendations of the Commission. 

17. Regarding pay and related issues concerning All India Services, appropriate action will be
taken by Department of Personnel and Training to give effect to the decisions on these matters as may be applicable to them. 

18. The Government of India wishes to place on record their appreciation of the work done by

the Commission. 


 Ordered that this Resolution be published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary.

 Ordered that a copy of this Resolution be communicated to the Ministries/Departments of the 
Government of India, State Governments, Administrations of Union Territories and all other

                                                                                                      R.K. CHATURVEDI, Jt. Secy. 



 Statement showing the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission on Pay
relating to Civilian employees in Group ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ and personnel of All India Services and
Government’s decisions thereon.   

I. Pay Fixation in revised Pay Structure:

Sl. No.    Recommendation of the Seventh Central Pay                            Decision of the Government 

1.           Minimum pay in government with effect from                           Accepted  
              01.01.2016 at Rs. 18000 per month (Para 4.2.13
              of the Report) 

2.           Pay Matrix comprising two dimensions having                          Accepted      
              horizontal range in which each level corresponds
              to a “functional role in the hierarchy” with
              number assigned 1, 2, 3 and so on till 18 and
             “vertical range” denoting “pay progression”.
             These indicate the steps of annual financial
             progression (Para 5.1.21 of the Report) 

3.         On recruitment, an employee joins at a particular                        Accepted  
             level and progresses within the level as per the
             vertical range. The movement is usually on an
             annual basis, based on annual increments till the
             time of their next promotion. (Para 5.1.22 of the

4.          The fitment factor of 2.57 to be applied                                       Accepted  
             uniformly for all employees. (Para 5.1.27 of the

II. Annual Increments:

Sl.No.   Recommendation of the Seventh Central Pay                     Decision of the Government  

1.        The manner of drawal of annual increment to be                            Accepted 
           as laid down in Para 5.1.53 of the Report. 

III. Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme:

Sl. No. Recommendation of the Seventh Central Pay                      Decision of the Government   

1. MACP will continue to be administered at 10, 20                                  Accepted  
and 30 years as before. In the new Pay Matrix,
the employee will move to immediate next Level
in hierarchy. Fixation of pay will follow the same
principle as that for a regular promotion in the
Pay Matrix. MACPS will continue to be
applicable to all employees up to Higher
Administrative Grade (HAG) level except
members of Organised Group ‘A’ Services. (Para
5.1.44 of the Report) 

2. Benchmark for performance appraisal for                                            Accepted       
promotion and financial ungrdation under
MACPS to be enhanced from “Good” to “Very
Good”. (Para 5.1.45 of the Report) 

3. Withholding of annual increments in the case of                                  Accepted 
those employees who are not able to meet the
benchmark either for MACP or a regular
promotion within the first 20 years of their
service. (Para 5.1.46 of the Report) 

V. Dearness Allowance: 

Sl. No.      Recommendation of the Seventh Central                        Decision of the Government
                Pay Commission

1. Existing formula and methodology for                                
calculating Dearness Allowance to  continue
(Para 8.17.37 of the Report)                                                 Accepted. The reference base for
                                                                                              calculation of Dearness Allowance after
                                                                                              coming into force of the revised Pay
                                                                                              structure shall undergo change
                                                                                              accordingly and will be linked to the
                                                                                              average index as on 01.01.2016.


Saturday 23 July 2016

MULTIPLICATION FACTOR மாற்றம் குறித்த மத்திய நிதி அமைச்சரின் பதிலும் மாபொதுச்செயலரின் கருத்தும்:-

Dear Comrades,

We are reproducing below the reply given by the Hon’ble Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley in the Rajya Sabha on 19-07-2016 --

The Finance Minister has made it clear that the government is responsive to the concerns of the Employees’ Associations and it would be the endeavor of the Government to ensure that the eventuality of a strike does not arise.”

Regarding increasing of the multiplication factor, the Finance Minister replied that:

“no such proposal is under consideration of the Government, at present’

The assurance given to the NJCA leaders by the Group of Ministers (including Finance Minister) on 30-06-2016 is that enhancement in minimum pay and fitment factor (multiplication factor) will be considered favourably by the Government, once the proposal in this regard is submitted to Government by the proposed “High Level Committee” within four months. Hence, the matter will come for the  “consideration” of the Govt. only after submission of the report by the High Level Committee.

In that sense, technically, the reply of the Finance Minister that “at present” there is no such proposal under consideration of the Government, may not be taken in a different manner and we need not jump into the conclusion that multiplication factor will not be increased.

However, giving due importance to the concerns expressed by many of our comrades and grass-root level leaders, the NJCA will discuss this issue shortly and take appropriate decision. NJCA is keenly observing the move of the Govt. and any going back from the assurances given by the Group of Ministers or any betrayal of 33 lakhs Central Govt. Employees and 40 lakhs pensioners by the NDA Govt., shall result in revival of the deferred strike by the NJCA and Government will be solely responsible for all consequences.

Secretary General



The Finance Minister Statement on Multiplication Factor

QUESTION NO 28                                                                            ANSWERED ON 19.07.2016


Shri Neeraj Shekhar

            Will the Minister of FINANCE be pleased to state :-

(a) whether Government has implemented the 7th Central Pay Commission recommendations;

(b) if so, the details thereof along with the date of notification thereof;

(c) whether increase in pay of Central Government Officials is historically low under 7th CPC; if so, the reasons thereof;

(d) whether employees unions/trade unions have announced to go on indefinite strike against the historically low revision of salaries by Government, if so, the response of Government thereto; and

(e) whether uniform multiplication factor of at least 3 is proposed to be applied for revision of pay under 7th CPC; if not, the reasons there for?


            A statement is being laid on the Table of the House
            Statement Annexed with the Rajya Sabha Starred Question No. 28 for 19.07.2016 by Shri Neeraj Shekhar on 7th Central Pay Commission Recommendations
            (a) & (b): The Government has decided to implement the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission relating to pay, pension and related issues. The requisite notifications are being issued shortly.
            (c) The increase in pay as recommended by the 7th Central Pay commission is based on the detailed deliberations by the Commission keeping in view all relevant factors having a bearing upon the prevailing circumstances

            (d) Employee Associations of Central Government had given a call for strike with effect from 11.07.2016 which has since been deferred. However, the Government is responsive to the concerns of the Employees’ Association and it would be the endeavour of the Government to ensure that the eventuality of a strike does not arise.
(e) In view of the multiplication factor having been accepted based on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay commission, no such proposal is under consideration of the Government, at present.

Friday 22 July 2016

Centre Plans To Bar Its Officials From Making Any Criticism Of Govt On Social Media

New Delhi: The Centre plans to amend the CCS (Conduct) Rules for baring its officials from making any criticism of government on social media, television and any other communication application.
Minister of State for Personnel Jitendra Singh
Minister of State for Personnel Jitendra Singh
Right now, the conduct rules do bar government officials from criticizing the government on a radio broadcast, communication over any public media, in any document, in any communication to the press or in any public utterance.

However, to make the rules specific to social media given presence of many officials on the same, a note is now proposed to be added to the All India Service (Conduct) Rules, 1968 saying: “The member of service shall also not make any such statement on television, social media or any other communication application. The word ‘Document’ may also include a caricature.”

This implies that any criticism of the government or its policies on social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook or on social networking groups like WhatsApp or through the officer drawing out a caricature will also attract disciplinary action under the Conduct Rules. The step comes after a committee constituted to review All India Service Rules has proposed certain amendments to the Conduct Rules.

Under the rules, a statement by an official is considered critical of the government if it has the effect of an adverse criticism of any current or recent policy or action of the Central Government or a State Government, which is capable of embarrassing the relations between the Central Government and any State Government or which is capable of embarrassing the relations between the Central Government and the Government of any Foreign State. All such statements by officials will not stand barred on social media.

In the context of social media, the government however wants to introduce a provision allowing government officials to participate in any public media including social media websites without the prior sanction of the government if the same is required by the officer as part of bonafide discharge of his duties. Many officials have joined Twitter and Facebook to communicate government decisions and the provision seems to be aimed at the same.

The government also plans to tweak an existing rule and plans to specify that government officials can take part in “simple and inexpensive entertainment events arranged by public bodies or institutions”.

In another tweak to the conduct rules, the government plans to introduce a provision whereby the official will be required to intimate the government of the purchase of an asset like automobiles or household equipment only if its value exceeds two months of his basic pay.
Inputs with ET



Arguments were held in RTP Principal CAT 

case today (20.07.2016). The further 

argument will be held on next date i.e. 


India Post seeks services of students, unemployed for delivering goods

New Delhi: With online orders piling up, India Post is hiring students and the jobless to deliver goods, S.K. Sinha, secretary at the department of post, said on Thursday.

The department recently issued orders under which it can hire third-party persons, such as unemployed people and students, to pick up and deliver articles from post offices, with a 12% commission for every delivery.

“If you pick up about 10 orders of about 1 kg, you can earn Rs.100-250 per day,” said Sinha, adding that the programme will also help generate employment. There’s an upper limit for how much commission you can earn.

The outsourcing will augment its parcel service and bring it at par with other private parcel services that offer to pick up orders from the customer’s location.

The postal department’s revenue from COD (cash on delivery) consignments from e-commerce majors surged to Rs.1,300 crore in the year ending March 2016, up from Rs.500 crore in 2014-15, and just Rs.100 crore in 2013-14.

E-commerce firms availing India Post’s services include all the major online portals such as Amazon India, Flipkart as well as Snapdeal.

The requirements to register for the program is an identification proof and reference from two prominent person known to the post office, after which the third party will be given a licence to deliver and pick up articles.

With e-commerce and financial services expected to take off, the department is expecting earnings from these services to help break even in the next 6-7 years.

India Post recorded a deficit of about Rs.6,000 crore for fiscal year 2015, a 14.4% increase from a year earlier.

The department is also looking at revenue from its online service, e-post office, which sells philately products as well as the newly launched bottled Gangajal, water from the river Ganga.

There is strong demand for Gangajal with almost all the stock sold out, added Sinha.

India Post has sold at least 4,000 bottles of Gangajal, considered holy by Hindus, from its post offices and online and has witnessed strong demand from southern states such as Tamil Nadu.

“While India Post doesn’t generate any profit from the Gangajal program, it does create a lot of goodwill for the department, which in turn can help attract users for its speed post and banking services,” Sinha said.

Source :

Tuesday 19 July 2016

ஊழியர் ஒற்றுமையை சிதைக்க முயல்பவர்களை புறக்கணியுங்கள்! தக்க பதில்உரை கொடுங்கள்!! ஒன்றுபட்டு முன்னேறுவோம்!!!


4, State Entry Road, New Delhi

   No.AIRF/24(C)                                                                               Dated: July 15, 2016

Dear Friends!

            On the call of the National Joint Council of Action(NJCA), on hopeless recommendations of VII CPC, scrapping of National Pension System (NPS) and other long pending genuine demands of the Central Government Employees, covering lakhs and lakhs of Railwaymen, Defence (Civilian) personnel, Postal employees, working in different Central Government offices throughout the country, unitedly not only participated and contributed regularly in agitational programmes of different stages of struggle but also succeeded to reflect such an environment in the entire length and breadth of the country well before the date of commencement of nationwide “Indefinite Strike” from 11th July, 2016; that compelled the Government of India to think better than Rs.18,000 as Minimum Wage, change in the Fitment Formula and many other important heartburning aspects, like National Pension System (NPS) and to handover all such issues to the committees with a commitment to consider the same within a timeframe of four months. Considering positive attitude of the senior ministers of the Government of India, the National Joint Council of Action (NJCA) had decided to give another four months time to the government.

            I am fully aware that, our Central Government Employees and the youth with full sincerity and dedication had unitedly created an unprecedented environment throughout the country, enlightening all the fellowmen about our demands in support of “Indefinite Strike” continuously, for which they deserve to be thanked a lot.

            Earlier too I had drawn your attention and warned to be aware of such elements who will confuse and mislead you by various baseless arguments and try to weaken and derail our united struggle.

            I know that, such negative thinking persons neither would have participated in the strike nor moved shoulder to shoulder in the movement of struggle. Negative thoughts not only weaken the individual, but also malign mental attitude of the others. Certain such persons, pouring in forcefully their polluted views on others, only try to break the broader unity of the movement. After all, it is not a new phenomena, such elements were found in all the strikes of the past. But nowadays; propaganda scenario has changed. Earlier, social media – WhatsApp, Facebook etc. were not available, so, such elements were launching propanganda campaign in the Canteens, Pan shops etc. In the present era, instead of using social media, WhatsApp, Facebook etc, in positive way for uniting co-workers, such elements unsuccessfully attempt to break the unity with their contaminated thought, reflecting the fellowmen that they are the only genius and ever alert and real friends of them, but such individuals always deceived and show their back at the climax of the struggle.

            I had earlier mentioned; to be very careful of such vindictive personalities who have destructive thought during the struggle, meant to secure their own rights. It is waste to have even least hope of any contribution in any struggle from such individuals who during agitation/strike try to side-away themselves by all means.

            For complete preparation of strong background in any movement, struggle/strike, role of an individual unit, branch, division, zonal and national level, strong change can never be devaluated, and such an strong united movement at all levels leaders ultimately encourages to give a clarion call of struggle at the national level. National leadership has to take care of all even-odd circumstances, lead his attitude, patience and safety of their force. Deep contemplation yields of the movement for him to cause execution to implement various strategies and timelines for the fulfillment of the objective of the obligation to go beyond such a positive approach rather than criticism for decisions on the subtleties of the churning the movement extended to the middle of your peers and get validness struggling peace succeeds.

            I have full faith that, all the Central Government Employees were ready, already even today and will remain ready with the time slot to fight for their rights.

            I again remind my colleagues to be aware and give befitting reply to those having negative thinking, and a strong movement only can go ahead.

            I earnestly thank you all. 

 Comradely yours,
(Shiva Gopal  Mishra)
Secretary (Staff Side)
NC/JCM & Convener